Wednesday, September 15, 2010

by the way...

I didn't make it to the Episcopalian church on Sunday! I was running a little bit late. I actually went back to my old church, where everyone was very happy to see me. I think I'm worrying people by not going to a church that they think they know is theologically sound. I guess my mom had told someone in her adult sunday school class that I would be going to the Episcopal church, someone who used to go to it herself. When I ran into this woman, she said, "Oh you didn't go! Good!" and told me that it was a lot "different" in that tone that suggests different is a bad thing. She then asked about what I'm doing and I explained that I'm just visiting a different church every week to get an overall view of the church. She nodded and looked intrigued, the way most people do, but there was also a hint of anxiety in her eyes, like she wanted to tell me to be careful.

How could education be a bad thing? How could curiosity be a vice?

Anyway, I'm going to push Episcopalian back several weeks. I already have Church of God of Prophecy in my planner for the 19th. I'll report on that sometime next week.


  1. "How could education be a bad thing? How could curiosity be a vice?"

    Darn good questions. Next to my door to my classroom I have a collaged bulletin board that says "Replace Fear of the Unknown with Curiosity." I strive to make it my motto for life... although it's definitely something I still have to work on.

    There is, however, the always popular, "Curiosity killed the cat." Perhaps, they fear, the cat is an analogy for God (or faith)?


